In the Sky this Week, Astronomy News, and TWSftUoTtCBDftSoTiFoOT
Farewell, Comet C/2024 G3 ATLAS: Check out the Astronomy Picture of the Day for January 26, 2025, here:! Also, the SOHO spacecraft captured a good image of the comet’s tail. The ring at the bottom of the image here is the artificially-eclipsed Sun. NOTE: The nucleus of the comet in the image is so bright that the chip in the camera “overflowed” to adjacent pixels; the overexposure was necessary to image details in the tail.
Not News, Rather “Olds!” posted an item recently about Edwin Hubble and his use of the Cepheid period-luminosity yardstick, developed in large part by Henrietta Swan Leavitt using stars in the SMC, to determine that the Andromeda Galaxy is a separate grouping much farther away from the Milky Way. See the piece here: . Note that the Great Smithsonian Debate of 1920 was mentioned; see also: The Great Debate of 1920.pdf.
“Planet 9” Revisited: Observations of “Extreme Trans-Neptunian Objects” and the determination of their orbit parameters perhaps point to the influence of another, as yet undiscovered, dwarf planet in the outer Solar System, in addition to the “seven dwarfs” in the recent Item of the Week. Enthusiasts wanting to return to the day of a planetary Pluto call it “Planet 9,” but there is no doubt the IAU would disagree. Computer modeling suggests the hypothesized body would be 5-10 x Earth’s mass and orbit the Sun at a distance of on the order of 550 AU. The idea of a larger ETNO has been around for some time, and something may be needed to explain the observed alignment of the perihelia of some ETNOs.For a summary of this work, see:; for the paper in Astronomy and Astrophysics, see:
Polynesian Navigation: The two Moana Disney movies have sparked interest in the skill of the Polynesian navigators. The website posted a piece on Christmas day about it; see: Polynesian traditional navigation was also the topic of a previous A+StW Item of the Week, see:
Parker Solar Probe at 0.04 AU (!): The PSP made its closest approach ever to the Sun last week, passing a mere 3.8 million miles from the “top” of the Sun’s photosphere while it endured the 2,500 °F temperatures there. Talk about fireworks to celebrate the Heliophysics Big Year with yet another success for the PSP! Data is has acquired have allowed a better understanding of the high degree (sorry) of heating in the solar corona and the nature and acceleration of the solar wind. For more on this latest success:
Sun: The Sun has an ~11-year cycle of sunspot activity. The last minimum period was in late 2020; the next maximum has just now been reached. Peak conditions could persist for the next year, so expect more sunspots, CMEs, and auroral displays in the coming months! NOAA’s 30-Minute Aurora Forecast:
Nova Watch: No, I’m not promoting the really good PBS series, I’m talking about T Coronae Borealis, a recurring nova. It’s usually about magnitude +10, not exactly a target for most backyard astronomers. However, every 80 years or so, it goes nova, becoming as bright as Alphecca, the brightest star in the Northern Crown (Corona Borealis). The last time it blew was in 1946, and its starting to show the same signs it did back then before it brightened.
I would suggest you become familiar with the look of this particular constellation so you can see the change for yourself when it happens. You can find out more about it at: . There is a link within to a 2016 Sky & Telescope article by Bob King that shows you how to find T CrB at its normal brightness. There’s even a more recent S&T piece that will help you find the “Blaze Star”: We’ll need a little luck, since the maximum brightness of T CrB will only last a few hours.
Here's the Latest on T CrB:!
A Helpful Tip from Dr. Steve: If you do an Internet search on “Blaze Star,” be sure you don’t channel your inner Ringo and spell it with two “r”s. Just ask Governor Earl Long….
Moon: New Moon occurs at 7:36 AM EST on Wednesday, January 29; the Moon reaches First Quarter at 3:02 AM EST on Wednesday, February 5; and Full Moon occurs at 8:53 AM on Wednesday, February 12 (aka the “Snow Moon”). A thin waxing crescent Moon will lie near Venus on the evening of January 30.
Mercury is at superior conjunction, on the other side of the Sun and invisible to us the next two weeks.
Venus continues to dominate the SW sky at sunset, shining at -4.8 near the Pisces Circlet. It has past dichotomy and is approaching Earth, presently showing a thick waning crescent.
Mars reached opposition on January 15, shining at -1.1 to the lower right of Pollux and Castor. It’s still a great time to observe it!
Jupiter (-2.5) rises just after sunset this week, since it reached Opposition on December 7. As the weeks go on, it will dominate the eastern sky the same way Venus is dominating the western sky now. This is a good time to look at Jupiter with a telescope; it’s still 44 arc-seconds across!
Saturn continues to move away from Venus, shining at +1.1 in Aquarius.
Uranus lies near the Taurus/Aries border, shining at +5.7.
Neptune (+7.9) is in Pisces, doable but you’ll need a sky chart.
Comets (presently brighter than +10): There are presently none.
Comet Watch:C/2024 G3 ATLAS put on quite a show as it approached perihelion, at least for observers in the southern hemisphere. Its nucleus was, indeed, torn apart by the Sun’s heat and gravity, but the debris still put on a show for those favorably placed. Sky & Telescope has run a piece showing the changes in the comet’s appearance during the nucleus’ destruction.
No other comets are anywhere near +10.
For info on comets currently visible, see:
International Space Station
There are 19 overpasses of the ISS over the next three weeks for those of you in the DC area. Four are good and two are amazing!
On Tuesday, January 28, the ISS will appear 10° above the NW horizon at 6:58 PM EST, NEAR Deneb, then rise to an altitude of 55°, where it will disappear abruptly into the Earth’s shadow.
On Thursday, January 30, the ISS will appear 10° above the WNW horizon at 6:57 PM MST, rise diagonally through the Great Square to an altitude of 48°, then descend to 23° above the SE horizon, in Lepus, where it will disappear abruptly into the Earth’s shadow.
On Friday, January 31, the ISS will appear 10° above the NW horizon at 6:07 PM MST, rise closely past Deneb to an altitude of 88°, near Algol, then descend closely past Jupiter, Aldebaran, and Orion’s Belt to 10° above the SE horizon, where it will disappear.
On Wednesday, January 12, the ISS will appear 10° above the WSW horizon at 6:32 AM MST, rise through Libra to an altitude of 59°, near the head of Ophiuchus, then descend past Cygnus to 10° above the ENE horizon, where it will disappear.
On Friday, January 14, the ISS will appear 10° above the WSW horizon at 6:32 AM MST, rise closely past the Moon to an altitude of 48°, near the bowl of the Big Dipper, then descend past Polaris to 10° above the NE horizon, where it will disappear.
On Saturday, January 15, the ISS will appear abruptly from the Earth’s shadow at 5:41 AM MST, 10° above the SW horizon, Between the Moon and Vega, rise closely past Arcturus to an altitude of 89°, near Corona Borealis, then descend closely past Deneb to 10° above the NE horizon, where it will disappear.
There are 13 overpasses of the ISS over the next three weeks for those of you in the Colorado Springs area. Two are good (culminate at 40°) and two are excellent (culminate over 70°).
On Tuesday, January 28, the ISS will appear 10° above the NW horizon at 6:30 PM MST, rise through the handle of the Little Dipper to an altitude of 40°, then descend to 34°, near Pollux, Castor, and Mars, where it will disappear abruptly into the Earth’s shadow.
On Thursday, January 30, the ISS will appear 10° above the NW horizon at 6:29 PM MST, rise very near the Andromeda Galaxy (PHOTO OP!) to an altitude of 74°, then descend past Rigel to 16° above the SE horizon, where it will disappear.
On Friday, February 14, the ISS will appear 10° above the WSW horizon at 6:04 AM MST, rise to an altitude of 74°, near Alkaid, then descend through Draco to 10° above the NE horizon, where it will disappear.
On Saturday, February 15, the ISS will appear abruptly from the Earth’s shadow 44° above the S horizon at 5:14 AM MST, near Spica, rise to an altitude of 57°, then descend past Vega to 10° above the ENE horizon, where it will disappear.
Hubble Space Telescope
There are 7 visible overpasses of the HST over the next three weeks for those of you in the DC area. Only one is favorable. Look 17° above the S horizon at 6:14 AM EST on 2/16.
There are 7 visible overpasses of the HST over the next three weeks for those of you in Colorado Springs. For the best two of them, look 17° above the S horizon at: 6:12 AM MST on 2/1 and 5:47 AM MST on 2/16.
To find out about satellite overpasses in your area, see (set your own location in the upper-right corner).
Continue the Heliophysics Big Year Celebration! NASA’s Science Mission Directorate comprises four divisions: Astrophysics, Heliophysics, Planetary Science, and Earth Science. From time to time, a division will institute a year or so long outreach effort. When I was at HQ, the emphasis was on the “Year of the Solar System.” Now, we are in the middle of an 18-month “Heliophysics Big Year.” The 2024 total Solar eclipse was one of the big events of the Big Year, and the ongoing data from the Parker Solar Probe, the Solar Dynamics Observatory, and other assets make for good engagement material. Free Heliophysics and Math Webinars are available, too; find out more at: And, of course, check out the recent Item of the Week about the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory! [Didja know that there are 27 spacecraft in 20 missions in Space right now observing the Sun? Not all of them are NASA’s, but that’s still a lot!]
Dark Energy Might Not Even Exist! A team of scientists at New Zealand’s University of Canterbury have published a model of the early Universe in which expansion is not uniform. “The new evidence supports the "timescape" model of cosmic expansion, which doesn't have a need for dark energy because the differences in stretching light aren't the result of an accelerating universe but instead a consequence of how we calibrate time and distance.” For more info, see the article from which the quote came, at:
Without Infrastructure, Little is Possible: A truism in many contexts, including astronomy. For example, images from the James Webb Space Telescope dazzle professional astronomers and the public alike. The really-complex-yet-extremely-successful satellite is a marvel of engineering design and construction (as only NASA can!). But JWST would be of no value without the supporting infrastructure here on Earth that receives the information from its instruments.
Downlinks of data are always of paramount importance, but communicating with satellites in LEO or Geosynchronous orbit is simple compared with receiving data from JWST, which orbits the Sun-Earth L2 point, a million miles away. NASA’s Deep Space Network, originally built 60 years ago to ensure continuous radio contact with early manned spacecraft, is still up to the task! Although I’d bet that the electronics of their receivers and transmitters may have had an upgrade or two over the decades!
The DSN is an engineering marvel. For a summary, see here; for the DSN website, see here; and if you want to see whose signal the DSN is receiving, see here.
The World Society for the Understanding of Things that Can Be Understood from the Study of Things in Front of Other Things says: An astonishing amount of Science can be conducted via the Study of Things in Front of Other Things! Examples range from the confirmation of Relativity by observations made during a total solar eclipse to asteroid shapes to rings around Uranus to planets of other Suns. Since many exoplanets have been discovered when they were “in front of other things,” all exoplanet and SETI news and info will be covered in the section below.
Meet Pandora! NASA is preparing a mission named “Pandora” that will examine 20+ known exoplanets to determine the composition of their atmospheres. The mission reached an important milestone recently with the completion of the main spacecraft bus. Pandora’s primary instrument is a very sensitive detector of the near-infrared part of the spectrum. It was the back-up for the identical detector aboard the JWST. Not only will it be able to ascertain the compositions of known exoplanets, its data will help calibrate the data from the same instrument on JWST, which can see much farther in both Space and time. The linked-to page also gives access to material about Pandora from NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio. For more information, see:
Constraints on Extraterrestrial Life? The transit method used to detect almost all known exoplanets (e.g. using TESS, Kepler) works very well, but suffers from a huge selection effect. Large planets orbiting very close to their stars are readily detected, but a planetary system like our own would be almost impossible to detect that way. After all, how often do we see Mercury or Venus in transit of our own Sun? For a transit of the Sun to be seen at interstellar distances, the observer would have to be very close to the Plane of the Ecliptic. Therefore, most exoplanets detected to date orbit red dwarfs very closely. Life on them could be adversely impacted by the extreme space weather associated with many red dwarfs.
A new study using data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and ESA’s XMM-Newton satellite were used to assess the environment in which known exoplanets such as Wolf 359 orbit. Wolf 359 was a good test subject. It is suspected of having two exoplanets, and it is only 7.8 light-years away. Chandra and XMM-Newton can make more detailed measurements of it than they can from more distant exoplanet systems. The assessment of X-ray and Extreme UV radiation suggest that for life to exist in such a system, it would have to be on an exoplanet that has a dense atmosphere and be fairly far away from its star. The “Goldilocks Zone” from Wolf 359 was determined to be about 15 million miles and fairly narrow, between the likely orbits of the two as-yet-confirmed exoplanets. And if the regular X-ray environment made prospects for life iffy, Wolf 369 also spews very powerful and destructive X-ray flares on a frequent basis.
For more information about this research, see:
A Primer in Transits: NASA posted an introductory piece to the TWSFTUOTTCBDFTSOTIFOOT favorite of planetary transits here. Detecting the small drop in light from a star when its exoplanet transits across its face is one of the primary means of detecting exoplanets, enabled by ground-based observation and satellites like Kepler and TESS. While the transit method has produced many exoplanet findings, but other methods are useful, too (see immediately below).
Interesting Exoplanet: LHS 1140 is a red dwarf star located 48 light-years from Earth in the constellation Cetus. It has a “super-Earth” exoplanet orbiting in its “Goldilocks Zone” and a bulk density that suggests that ~10% of its mass is water. It’s been known for some time, but only recently have the system’s physical properties been determined accurately. Its rotation is tidally-locked with its year, meaning that it always keeps the same face pointing sun-ward; estimates of temperatures there are a balmy 70°F! For a summary of our study of this interesting place, see here:; for a paper about it in The Astrophysical Research Letters, see:!
Confirmed Exoplanets: Now 5,502! Over 31 years ago, the first two confirmations of planets orbiting another star were made. It was a strange system, since they were both orbiting a pulsar! Now, the announcement of six new confirmations has pushed the total of definite exoplanets to 5,502. For of the new finds were made by the transit method, one by the radial velocity method, and one was made by direct observation.
Habitable Worlds Observatory: Yes, Virginia, there will be such a thing in the future. The 2020 Astronomy Decadal Survey strongly recommended that NASA “develop a 6-meter Space telescope capable of high-contrast observations in optical, infra-red, and ultraviolet wavelengths.” Its primary mission will be to examine 25 different exoplanets in detail, all in their star’s “Goldilocks Zone,” searching for biosignatures. Knowing which stars to choose is obviously of great importance. That work is presently underway; NASA’s Exoplanet Exploration Program has developed a list of 164 candidates to date, based on five selection criteria: stellar composition, photometric values, flare rate, variability, and potentially-sterilizing X-ray emissions. For more information on this project, see: and
Part 1: UCLA’s Jean-Luc Margot is the founder of UCLA SETI’s “Are We Alone in the Universe?” project. Their mission is to detect “technosignatures by searching individual systems. Dr. Margot teaches a graduate course in SETI, and he had his students use TESS data for the closer known exoplanets to narrow the search for such emissions in great detail. No provable technosignatures were seen. Even though the smally sample observed didn’t show emissions, the skills developed by the students (e.g. signal processing, telecommunications, and statistics and other data analysis tools) will no doubt improve their academic success.
Part 2: Traditional SETI tactics, like Dr. Margot’s project, is one way to search. The Breakthrough Listen program (which uses citizen scientists) takes a different approach. Rather than look at relatively-close systems, they are using the Green Bank (West Virginia) and Parkes Murriyang radio telescopes to look for very high powered technosignatures, an entire galaxy at a time. For more on this program and strategy, see:
Part 3: NASA has produced a six-part on-line series on how it is searching for life in the cosmos. If you are interested in the real science behind this topic, then check out these episodes! Part 1: Beginnings: Life on Our World and Others; Part 2: Life on Other Planets: What is Life and What Does It Need?; Part 3: The Hunt for Life on Mars – and Elsewhere in the Solar System; Part 4: “Life” in the Lab; Part 5: Searching for Signs of Intelligent Life: Technosignatures (see also this week’s Gravity Assist entry in the Solar System section); and Part 6: Finding Life Beyond Earth: What Comes Next?
What Happens After We Discover Life Elsewhere? Mary Voytek, Director of NASA’s Astrobiology Program, has some interesting thoughts on the subject. Check them out at:!
Exoplanet Travel Bureau is NASA’s source for whimsical travel posters showcasing various exoplanets as tourist destinations and other exoplanet information. See:!
Science Daily:
Sky and Telescope:
NASA Exoplanet Exploration News: